Tuesday, August 27, 2013

3 stages Aqua water Filters in Pakistan

call us 0333-5204483

(Stage 1) 5 Micron Sediment Filter :
With only five micron rating. It is effective in removing dirt, rust and sand particles.

(Stage 2) Carbon Block Filter:
It takes out 99% of the chlorine and organic chemicals. It provides enhanced reduction of taste, odor, and color.

(Stage 3) Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer:
Ultraviolet light (UV), a natural part of the sunlight is widely accepted as a reliable, efficient & environmentally friendly solution for water disinfection. This UV lamp utilize the application of particularly efficient UV radiator with a 254nm wave length to cause immediate death for organisms and wipe out their ability to survive and reproduce. 99.99% DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA AND VIRUSES

Aqua water filter company of rawalpindi, islamabad Lahore Pakistan Water Filter Manufacture supplier dealers